EN Mumbai Year End Video
Every Nation Church Mumbai
Loving God. Loving People.
This is the foundational motive behind all our ministries and the ultimate goal of all our outreach. Loving and honouring God is the starting point of all that we do because our priority is the glory of God, not the success of our ministry. The chief end of Every Nation Church is always to “love God and to enjoy Him forever.” That is why we do what we do.
We invite you to visit our worship service on Sunday to experience God in a powerful way, and to connect with people!
Sunday | 10:00 AM
Every Nation
Unit No. 2020. 1Aerocity, NIBR Compound, Andheri-Kurla Road,
Saki Naka, Andheri East, Mumbai - 400072
Maharashtra, India
"...just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many." MATTHEW 20:28
Service is one of our core values here in Every Nation India. The reason why serve God and serve others is because Jesus came to serve and he gave his life serving others.
He taught his closest followers to be servant leaders. When the apostles, James and John ask Jesus to grant them special privileges — to sit at his right and left hand in heaven — he tells them gently that they have no idea what they are asking.
One of the ways we serve is by serving in the church.
Worship Team
Media/Tech Team
Prayer Team
Ushering Team
Hospitality Team
Kids' Church
Hub Management Team